Ami eszembe jut

ZantyManty•  2022. március 24. 14:50

Just do,kid!

It's weird,like a Nike on an Asian woman
But you can't help the situation,who can?
I mean,sweatshops,but there is no rage
Profit is god,they bears this low wage
Protests: „Just a little rise,add more cents”
And what about child employments?
White libtard in the manager seat
They just say „ban that word,shit”
You know,the nitwit woke gaslight
„We need the PC talk,that's right!”

ZantyManty•  2022. március 17. 14:42

Turning Red / Pirula Panda

In Canada,a girl has an outstanding issue
That's the story she's sharing with you
They say you have to be the perfect human
Pick up the behaviour,learn it,you can…
Mom's always on Mei,she's overprotecting
But have had enough? Go girl,show that thing!
Here comes the hairy physique,it's on,guys
Panda fury,angry mimics,crimson eyes
She got problems with Toronto bullies
But now,she gonna call on those stupids
To much clouds,she need more sun
Read and,relax with tracks,hear 4*Town
Friends make you happy! Meet with them.
And they are waiting! Prya,Abby,Miriam.
„Soul is for the weak?” Down with this agenda
Never forget: Strong feels are release the panda

ZantyManty•  2022. január 22. 18:25

Failed faiths

Dan traumatised Jennette McCurdy

Nickelodeon's background gets dirty

I needed something,what brings me tears

So I listened Lucky from Britney Sprears

Saw,what's going on behind the walls

Britney,just show great delight and pose

Cute Olsen films,this twin thing is funny

Sold childhood,they swimming in money

Later MK thought „I have to eat less”

And later that's shit led to illness

But besides they became famous

They're not shit,lame,fake girls

I can identify with these stars

So I wrote a rap,this sixteen bars

ZantyManty•  2021. október 29. 18:53

Wicked Wild World

Kipróbáltam magam angolul is...

When countries stands up,I call them nation

We have have to start a Conversation

For learning,we need legit contents

And for critics,clean headed comments

Stable system,and better education

With teachers whom gather reputation

I hope,we have a couple sober minds

If they presented,the battle's over,right?

Where is the past? Faded memories

Replaced by overrated theories

Our social connections are wireless

Corporations play with us a cyber chess

Open your eyes,how many wise word left?

The World's IQ is decreasing I heard that

Its full of weirdness,I call it Stranger Things

Green business will flow with Nature's tears

ZantyManty•  2021. szeptember 10. 22:01

Czinkóczi Zsuzsáról

Tehetsége még olajfényben született

Minden alkotás voltaképpen üzenet

Hogy színésznőnek teremtett tünemény

Ott meggmutatta,míly sebeket tűr e lény

Érzékeny élménye,köztünk jár e látó

Lényének képére büszke Jásszentlászló

Hol házmester,mások csak lakók lehetnek

Régen minden szerepre a jók mehettek

Ha bármit teszel,figyelemmel etetnek

E színésznő meg kisgyermekkel eretnek

Minden filmje leforrázza az életed

Van kétkedő? Felszolgálja az érveket!

Nem feledik el,róla majd marad adat

A mai csirkék? Bontja a madarakat

Takarító,mossa velük a színpadot

Képkockákba oltva nekünk a szív adott

Lángja az összes alakban érted is ég

Igazi,és halhatatlan értelmiség

Szükséglakásból húzott fel mementókat

Min a valóval súlytott fej mereng jókat

Így arról szól a rondó: Amondó vagyok

A legendás alkotó,NaplóPro ragyog