GabrielPetrovich blogja

GabrielPetrovic•  2024. szeptember 22. 01:02

Falling in love

I'll have to stop

Falling in love!

Falling in love,

With some, people.

With their style,

Love their smile.

Or have some,

Small talks at all,

I'l have to stop!

Once and for all.

'Cus what did they bring?

Except for misery,

What do i have to do,

To stop insanity?

I have to stop,

Loving strangers.

People i've met,

Once, or never.

And even if I do,

When will I, finally 

Make my move?

Oh the laughs!

The tears of joy!

What are those?

What are they for?

I don't know.

I don't know!

That's the 

Only thought,

In my mind.

That's the sense,

 Left in my life.

I'm just drifting.

Along with the sea,

And i wonder:

Will I reach,

The shore,

Now or ever?


P.G (For Em.)